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Human chain in Pirganj demanding protection of government bills from land grabbers

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) District Representative:

"Bhoomihinra milao hands, land bandits should die" slogan, the local landless people have held a human chain, protest march and assembly to protect the government bill named Dhardhara of about 35 acres of Sengao Union of Pirganj Upazila of Thakurgaon from the hands of land bandits. This program was organized by Agragarinabari landless public organization of the upazila on Monday afternoon. After an hour-long human chain on that bill, they gathered in Langra Town with a procession. Saidur Rahman, Chairman of Sengao Union, Joynal Abedin Babul, President of Pirganj Press Club, General Secretary Nasrete Khoda Rana, Enamul Haque, Leader of Landless People's Organization, Avinash Chandra Roy and others spoke.

At this time, the speakers sought the government's high-level intervention to save the bill from land grabbers.

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