Teacher dies in Homna bus CNG head-on collision
Md Al Amin Special Representative Comilla.
A Khadem of Madina Jamaat and a primary school teacher lost their lives in a head-on collision between Ekta Bus Service and CNG in Homna Upazila of Comilla. Yesterday at 12:30 PM at a place called Chinaya of the upazila, Ekta Bus Service from Homna and CNG from Gouripur collided head-on, while the primary school teacher and Moballeg of Kamalla Darbar Sharif. Mawla Hossain was injured.Later the locals rescued him and took him to Homna Upazila Health Complex, the doctor on duty transferred him to Dhaka Medical for better treatment.
When his relatives took him to Dhaka Medical, he died there.
Md. Mawla Hossain was an assistant teacher of Char (D) Government Primary School of Ghania Upazila. He is the son of Char Dakshin Para Abduch Salam of Ghania.
Homna upazila health complex duty doctor Dr. Nasreen Akhter Sumi said that the injured teacher Mawla's condition was worse and he was transferred to Dhaka Medical for better treatment. After the death of Md. Gholam Mawla, a shadow of mourning has fallen among the relatives and residents of the area. After the funeral prayer with hundreds of Muslims and residents from the area and surrounding villages, the honorable secretary general of Madina Jamaat Maulana Saifur Rahman Khandkar, Muhaddis Kamalla Madinatul led a special prayer for the forgiveness of his soul. Uloom Kamil Madrasa,
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