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Best wishes and congratulations to Ruhul Amin Huzoor from Madina Jamaat Maldives Branch for being selected as the best teacher.

Md. Al Amin Maldives representative

National Education Week-2023

Being selected as the best teacher in Brahmanpara upazila

Acting Principal of Shidlai Darul Islam Fazil (Degree) Madrasah and well-wisher of Jamaat Kamalla Darbar Sharif of Madina and current Rahbar of Shidlai Darul Islam Darbar Sharif.

Allama Hazrat Mao: Muha. On behalf of Madina Jamaat Maldives Branch, Jamaat Maldives Branch of Madina congratulated and congratulated Ruhul Amin Pir Saheb Huzur as the best teacher in the Upazila, founder convener and expatriate journalist of Madina Jamaat Maldives Branch and our Maldives representative Md Al Amin, and former convener expatriate Imam and Khatib Mao Md Tajul Islam Kishoreganji. Meanwhile, on behalf of teacher Ruhul Amin, the honorable Amir and Pir of Madina Jamaat Kamalla Darbar Sharif, Alhaj Hazrat Maulana Md. Habibur Rahman Khandaker Sahib, President Kamalla Madinatul Uloom Kamil Madrasa, and the Central Secretary General of Madina Jamaat Maulana Saifur Rahman Khandaker, Muhaddis Kamalla thanked Rabbi Karim. Madinatul Uloom Kamil Madrasa,

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