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A terrible fire in Pirganj burnt cattle and cash to ashes

 Limon Sarkar, Thakurgaon district representative:

In the Dastampur Matipara village of Pirganj upazila of Thakurgaon, 7 houses of 4 families were burnt to ashes along with cash.

According to Pirganj Fire Service, a terrible fire broke out from a mosquito coil in a cow shed in Dastampur Matipara village of Pirganj upazila late on Sunday night. Within a moment, when the flames spread around, 7 houses of 4 families, 1 lakh cash and 1 cow, 9 goats and 27 chickens were burnt to ashes. The next day after this incident, senior presidium member of Jatiya Party and Member of Parliament of Thakurgaon-3 Constituency Hafiz Uddin Ahmed visited the area affected by the fire. At this time, he distributed cash and cash to the victims. Later, upazila chairman Aktaru Islam distributed food items, cash of 1 thousand taka and 1 blanket among the victims of the fire on behalf of the upazila administration. However, the extent of the damage is not known.

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