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Two gamblers arrested in Pirganj

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) District Representative:

Police arrested two gamblers with gambling materials in Pirganj of Thakurgaon.

They were arrested from a mango garden in Barabari village of the upazila on Friday afternoon. The accused are Mamun, son of Hanif of Godagari village of the upazila, Ripon Islam, son of Tarab Ali of Barabari Kabiraj Para.

Pirganj police station sub-inspector Babul Akhtar said that the operation was conducted based on the news that gambling was going on in an ambagan of Barabari village of Jabarhat union of the upazila.

At that time, the two gamblers were arrested from the gambling hall with a set of playing cards, a bicycle, and 510 rupees in gambling cash. A case has been registered against them.

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