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Yaba and drug dealers arrested in Pirganj

 Limon Sarkar Thakurgaon Correspondent:

The District Narcotics Control Directorate has arrested a drug dealer named Maqbul Hossain (43) with 101 pieces of Yaba in Pirganj of Thakurgaon. Last Wednesday (March 1) Senua Satapir village of Bhomradah union of the upazila was raided and arrested. District Narcotics Control Directorate Inspector Farhad Akand confirmed the truth. Arrested drug dealer Maqbul Hossain of Senua Satapir village of Bhomradah Union deceased: son of Dabir Uddin.

Inspector Farhad Akand said that as part of the ongoing anti-narcotics operation, the operation was conducted in Senua area of Pirganj upazila after receiving secret information. During the search of the arrested drug dealer Maqbul's house, 101 pieces of Yaba were found and he was arrested. He also said that a case has been filed against him under the Narcotics Act and the accused has been handed over to the custody of Pirganj police station.

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