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Journalist daughter first in poetry recitation

Md. Sakhawat Hossain,Faridpur representative

Journalist's daughter Nusrat Jahan Nijhum won the first place in the poetry recitation competition at the upazila level in Bhanga of Faridpur. He was later rewarded.

On the occasion of Great Martyrs' Day and International Mother Language Day organized by the upazila administration, Nusrat Jahan, a class nine student of Banga Govt. Pilot High School, won the first place in the cover of Amar Ekush's poem at the school level. He is a broken upazila representative of Daily Naya Digant newspaper. T. M Farhad Nannu's only daughter.

Present at the award ceremony,

Upazila Chairman S. M. Habibur Rahman Habib, upazila executive officer. Azimuddin Rubel, Assistant Commissioner (Land) Md. Mahamudul Hasan, Secondary Education Officer Jalaluddin Ahmed, Bhanga Thana Officer in Charge (OC) Md. Ziarul Islam, Upazila Fisheries Officer Debola Chakraborty, Upazila Education Officer. Mohsin Reza and others.

Meanwhile, the younger brother of Nusrat Jahan, Mustaqeem Nadian, won the first place in Poetry Recitation, Storytelling in Category B of the National Primary Education Medal Competition-2023 on Wednesday (February 22). He is a 5th grade student of Mazhardia Government Primary School of Upazila.

On behalf of the journalist family, prayers have been requested for the bright future of these two brothers and sisters.

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