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Ankur is sowing the seeds of Bangladesh in Italy

Zahurul Haque Raju Special Correspondent:

The Ankur family has been continuing its activities for 13 years to teach the glorious history and cultural culture of Bengal to the children living abroad in Italy. This time, in continuation of that, the 10th attempt of the shoot with the slogan Ekush Amar Chetna has been completed.

About half a hundred expatriate children participated in this competition held in Rome, the capital of Italy. In alphabet, recitation, drawing and music competitions, diaspora children represented the language movement and Bangladesh in their own way.

Bangladesh Ambassador to Italy Md. Shamim Ahsan was the chief guest in the event and special guests were First Secretary of Embassy Saiful Islam, Chairman of CCL Dr. Muktar Hossain and prominent people of the community.

At this time Ambassador Md. Shamim Ahsan praised the organization and distributed Bengali books among all the children. The ambassador himself teaches the alphabet to expatriate children. Also requested parents to make children interested in Bengali and Bangladesh.

Ankur chief and journalist Moniruzzaman Monir said, "It is our duty and right of children to tell the correct history of Bengal." And this arrangement is sowing the seeds of the name of Bangladesh among the growing generation of expatriates.

At the end all the children including the winners were awarded by the Ambassador and other guests. Children are very happy to participate in shoot competition and get prizes. Meanwhile, the parents are also happy to present a successful and meaningful program with the children every year. They feel that Ankur is not just a competition but is creating a strong bond between expatriate children and Bangladesh.

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