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A landless public meeting was held in Pirganj

Limon Government (Thakurgaon) Representative:

"Mujib's Centenary Pledge, establish the right of the homeless and landless to special land" A landless people's meeting was held in Pirganj of Thakurgaon on the issue of land rights and agricultural land reforms.

 The rally was held at Daulatpur Union Bishunpur Government Primary School of Upazila on Saturday morning. Organized by Daulatpur Union Landless Coordination Council, Gajendranath Roy, head of the organization, spoke in the meeting chaired by Daulatpur Union Parishad Chairman Sanatan Chandra Roy, Pirganj Press Club President Joynal Abedin Babul, Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer Sajirul Islam, Animal Resources Officer Omar Farooq, UP member Sukumar. Ray, Abdul Quader, District Landless Coordination Parishad Chairman Jalal

Uddin, Chairman of Upazila Landless Coordination Parishad Avinash Chandra Roy, Former Chairman of District Landless Coordination Parishad Enamul Haque, Regional Coordinator of Development Agency CDA Kawsarul Alam etc. The meeting was conducted by Kamrun Nahar, unit manager of the organization and others. More than two hundred landless women and men participated in the rally.

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