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Immediately implement Islamic labor policy - Islamic labor movement in Khagrachari

 Nurul Kabir Arman,Special Representative.

Islami Sramik Andolan Khagrachari Sadar Upazila branch of newly formed committee took oath and familiarization meeting was held.

The meeting was held on Friday (October 28) at the Arambagh office of the district headquarters after Maghrib.

Maulana Mufti Imam Uddin Kasem, President of Jatiya Ulama Mashaikh Aimma Parishad, was present as the chief guest under the chairmanship of Upazila President Muhammad Yunus Ahmad and District Joint General Secretary Muhammad Jahangir Alam.

Speakers in the meeting said that 51 long years of independence have passed and the fair rights of workers have not yet been established. Because of the tireless work of the workers

The country is becoming self-reliant, the rich are becoming big industrialists. The speakers called upon the government to immediately implement the Islamic labor policy.

 In the meeting, District Secretary of Jatiya Ulama Mashaikh Aimma Parishad Maulana Nurul Kabir Arman, Islami Islami Andolon Bangladesh Khagrachari District Branch President Hafez Maulana Delwar Hossain, Vice President Abdul Jabbar Ghazi, Islami Sramik Andolon District Branch Senior Vice President Muhammad Abdullah Al Arifin, District General Secretary Md. Al Amin, Vice President Muhammad Arif, Joint Organizing Secretary Muhammad Jahangir Alam, Municipal Branch President Mamunur Rashid, General Secretary Hasan Mahmud, Islami Chhatra Andolan Bangladesh Khagrachhari Sadar Upazila President Muhammad Rabiul Hossain Jihad and others spoke.

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