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Protest and human chain in protest against attack on journalist in Thakurgaon

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) District Representative:

 Journalist Abdul at Ruhiya, Thakurgaon

Thakurgaon Television Journalists Association has protested against attacks on journalists across the country, including the attack on Latif Litu and Latifur Rahman Limon in Pirganj. The protest and human chain was held at Chaudasta intersection of the city on Wednesday afternoon. Various journalists of the district participated in this human chain for about an hour. After the human chain, journalists staged a protest from the intersection. The protest procession went around various roads of the city and ended at the Thakurgaon Press Club premises.

Thakurgaon Press Club President Mansur Ali, Television Journalists Association Vice President Partha Sarthi Das, General Secretary Rafiqul Islam Rohan, Former President Feroz Amin Sarkar, Injured Journalist Abdul Latif Litu, Journalist Badrul Islam Biblab, Joynal Abedin Babul, Farooq Hossain and others spoke during the human chain.

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