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BNP's 44th Foundation Anniversary held in Portugal at International Nationalist Forum, Culauda

 Bakul Khan Special Correspondent:

 A discussion meeting and meeting was held in Lisbon, Portugal on the occasion of 44th founding anniversary of BNP organized by International Nationalist Forum, Kulaura.

Professor Dr. Saiful Alam Chowdhury chaired the International Nationalist Forum, Kulaura First Joint General Secretary Shafiquzzaman Chowdhury Ripon moderated.

BNP's Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi gave a virtual speech as the chief guest on this occasion. BNP International Affairs Secretary Mahidur Rahman Muhid spoke as the main speaker.

Leaders say BNP is the people's party, this party cannot be eliminated or defeated. Every time it has turned around through adverse conditions ignoring various obstacles. This time we will definitely be able to restore democracy with the active cooperation of the people. And this is our oath in this year's founding anniversary.

The organization's advisor Sharifuzzaman Chowdhury Tapan, Prof. Abdul Ahad, Vice President former Kulaura Degree College elected VP Abdul Mohit Suhail, Nawab Ali Ahsan Khan Nippon, Sajibur Rahman Sajib, former AGS of Degree College Shafi Ahmed Dinar, Syed Ful Mia also spoke as special guests. Spain BNP Acting General Secretary Ramiz Uddin Sarkar, Italy Vicenza BNP Advisor External Affairs Joint Editor Manna Sardar, Portugal BNP Publicity and Publication Secretary Abdul Wahid Chowdhury Parvez, Office Secretary Oli Ahmed Sunny, Ashraf, Khokon, Sujan and many others from Europe and America participated in this event. do

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