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A discussion meeting was held to create a drug-terror-free area and social resistance, keeping the slogan of Janatai Police, Policei Janata.

 Staff reporter::

A discussion meeting was held to create a drug-terror-free area and social resistance, keeping the slogan of Janatai Police, Policei Janata. Today, 10th September every Saturday at 10 am at Badsha Convention Hall organized by Panchlaish 3rd Ward Community Policing Committee and Mohalla Sardar Coordination Council.

Secretary of Policing Committee

Under the supervision of GS Kofil Uddin, under the supervision of Vice President Quader Sardar and under the chairmanship of President Alhaj Manjur Alam Chowdhury, Chittagong Metropolitan Police Deputy Police Commissioner (North) Mr. Md Mokhlesur Rahman was present as the chief guest.

Bayezid Bostami Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Md. Ferdous Jahan and various levels of CMP officials were present as special guests!

Community Policing Bayezid Thana Committee female editor Kanta Islam Minu, 2nd Ward Committee Secretary Kamal Uddin Sayem, Bit-45 Committee President Syed Md Shah Erfan, Citizen Hospital Director Anisur Rahman Munna, Chhatra League Leader GS Aminul Karim, Awami League Leader Jamal Uddin and others spoke. etc.

It was also attended by various political, social leaders and local people of the area.

Volunteers of social organization Eiktan and Deshbandhu were in full cooperation.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Mr. Md. Mokhleshur Rahman urged to work unitedly in the fight against drugs and terrorism.

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