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Alhaj Dulal Madbar Saheb, President of Maldives Branch Awami League, has asked everyone to pray for Risfa Mani's success.


Md Al Amin Maldivian representative

 A daughter is a special blessing of God Almighty, that blessing is more fruitful when the child achieves a success, just like the honorable president of Maldives branch Awami League and the eldest daughter of distinguished businessman and social worker Alhaj Dulal Madbar Saheb Mosammad Risfa Mani, Risfa has achieved a success since childhood. Moni is passing with success, but Risfa Moni's father Alhaj Dulal Madbar Saheb and pregnant mother Mrs. Rikta Madbar had many hopes and dreams to make their daughter a good doctor, but the only obstacle to realizing that hope was a good one. Getting a chance in medicine, but breaking that barrier and reflecting all the hopes and aspirations, last few days ago (Army Medical College Bogra) Mossad Risfa Mani got a respectable place in his own merit, and the news was overjoyed to continue the success of Risfa Moni's relatives and friends. His proud father Mr. Alhaj Dulal Madbar and pregnant mother Mrs. Rikt have asked for prayers from well-wishers and countrymen. A. Madhbar, as well as Risfa Ma-Mani General Secretary Md. Dulal Hossain, Senior Vice President Haji Md. Sadek, Joint General Secretary asked for prayers from expatriate comrades, colleagues and countrymen and expatriates on behalf of Maldives branch Awami League. Nure Alam Rintu, Vice President Md Shah Jalal Shikder, and Organizing Secretary Mizanur Rahman Anis,

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