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Eid reunion of Italian expatriate women: call for unity to stop violence against women


Minhaj Hossain Special Representative:

 Due to Corona's restrictions, the expatriate women of Rome could not unite and organize any event for the last two years. They were under house arrest on New Year's Day and national days. After the relaxation of the ban, this time the women of different classes and professions of Italy were celebrating the Eid reunion.

They are very happy to be present at the Eid reunion organized by the women of Rome, and they want to be united and bound in the bond of brotherhood.

Mehenas Tabbasum Shelley, a female leader, conducted the event on Friday in the hall of the local Rossi restaurant in Rome. The chief guest on the occasion was Mahtab Hossain, President of the Italian Awami League, and the special guest was Md. Alamgir Hossain, General Secretary of the Italian Awami League.

In this reunion festival, children and teenagers of Sanchari Sangeetayan perform dance and music. Local Roman vocalists Ratna Basak and Masood Rana also performed.

Women Leaders: Zobaida Gulshan Ara, Sultana Nigar Mita, Shilpi Chowdhury, Sanjida Baser, Khukumni, Atashi Shah, ‌ Tahmina Sultana, Afroza Akhter Daisy, Kakon, Jobeda Akhter, Munni Raushan Ara, Malin, Aklima Aqtar, Nujuba Ali, Deepa, Real, Shiuli Akhter, Dina Islam, Shilpi, Sharmin, Ruby, Nipa, Mita, Juhura Ishita and many others were present. Sant Sukhi Munni, the head of Arshi Fashion was also present on the occasion.

At the Eid reunion, Italian political and social leaders called on expatriate women to unite to end violence against women.

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