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Eid reunion and reception of Fatikchhari Press Club


Nurul Kabir Arman,Special Representative:

Eid reunion and reception of Fatikchhari Press Club was held on Saturday (May 26) at noon at Fatikchhari Sadarstha City Center.

Press Club President Syed Jahedullah Quraishi presided over the function while Fatikchhari Municipal Mayor Ismail Hossain was present as the chief guest.

Journalists Jahangir Uddin Mahmud, Fakhrul Islam, Abu Ekhlas Jhinuk, Daulat Shawkat, Syed Masud, Sajal Chakraborty, Emran Farhad, Saifur Rahman Sohan, Ahmed Ershad Khokon, Anwar Hossain Fagun spoke on behalf of Press Club General Secretary Rafiqul Alam. Nazim, Mostafa Kamrul, Omar Faisal and others.

Speakers at the event said that a journalist highlights the immediate present and the past in his work every day. At the same time give a picture of possible future. Journalists play a key role in the development of people's collective life. The main responsibility of a journalist is to reveal the truth and present it to the people. Journalists are responsible to the reader for revealing the truth.

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