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Journalist Minhaj Hossain mourns the death of former finance minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith


Desk Report:

Minhaj Hossain, son of Kriti of Sylhet, has expressed deep grief over the death of former finance minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith.

In a condolence message, Minhaj Hossain said that the late Muhith was a successful minister as the finance minister. He has served the country with his talent, knowledge and wisdom. In his death, the nation lost a virtuous person. Minhaj Hossain, general secretary of the National Online Press Club Italy, publicity editor of the Bengali Press Club Italy and journalist representing Channel S's Rome, said the loss would never be made up.

He prayed for the forgiveness of the soul of the deceased and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family.

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