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Tabligh Jamaat is giving guidance to lost people all over the world - Allama Shah Muhibullah Babungari


Nurul Kabir Arman,

 Special Representative:

Allama Muhibullah Babungari, Emir of Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh, Director General of Jamia Islamia Babungari (Ha: Ta :) has strongly condemned the recent issuance of notifications to the Imams of all Juma Mosques in the Kingdom to deliver Friday sermons against Tabligh Jamaat in Saudi Arabia.

In a message sent to the media on Monday (December 14th), Amir Hefazat Shah Muhibullah said that Tabligh Jamaat is a non-political, unadulterated, da'wah Jamaat worldwide. Shaykh Maulana Ilyas Rah, a worthy son of Darul Uloom Deoband in the nineteenth century. The church was founded by him and spread to five subcontinents worldwide The purpose of this congregation is only to invite people to the religion, to establish pure Tawheed and to motivate people to follow the Sunnah. Giving direction to the lost people all over the world At present, this Jamaat has taken the form of a faith and da'wah movement all over the world By the grace of Allah, through this movement, countless lost people have been able to find Siratul Mustaqeem.

Amir Hefazat also said that the founder of Tabligh Jamaat Maulana Ilyas Rah. Including almost all the rabbis who were responsible for the religion, they were the messengers of Tauhid He lived far away from heresy and superstition Many of them are also great commentators of Hadith

Allama Muhibullah further said that the current accusation of grave-worshiping or shirk by the Saudi government against this Jamaat is in our opinion nothing more than a heinous false accusation. We think that this has happened mainly due to lack of knowledge about preaching in the congregation However, we urge the Saudi government to look into the matter and not make any decision that would jeopardize its legitimacy in the international arena.

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