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RAB has arrested a drug dealer along with yaba in Faridpur


Md. Sakhawat Hossain

Faridpur District Representative>

RAB has arrested a drug dealer along with 3,400 pieces of yaba in a passenger transport at Madhukhali in Faridpur.

According to RAB-6, CPC-2, Faridpur camp sources, RAB has set up temporary checkposts in the Madhukhali police station area of ​​Faridpur district to conduct anti-drug operations and search suspicious vehicles. At one stage of the search, a passenger transport from Khulna to Dhaka was signaled to stop and the transport stopped. Later, when questioned by a suspect on the bus, he admitted that he had a yaba tablet in his bag.

The name of the arrested accused. Ismail Hossain (25) father. Latif Mia. His house is said to be in Sreepur Bhangahati village of Sreepur upazila of Gazipur district.

In the custody of accused Ismail, 3,400 Yaba tablets and 2 SIM cards used for buying and selling drugs, 1 mobile phone and Tk 1,000 worth of drugs were seized.

According to sources, a case has been filed against the arrested accused under the Narcotics Control Act at Madhukhali police station.

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