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Maldives expatriate Md. Ishaq Mia went to the country of no return.

 Md. Al Amin Maldives representative

Md. Ishaq of B Baria district's Nasirnagar sub-district has gone to the country of no return after being ill for a long time in Male of the capital of Maldives. The doctor on duty declared him dead after the preliminary examination audition when he felt ill at two o'clock on Wednesday night. The shadow of mourning has come down in the village house on his death. He was the second Maldives immigrant late Ishaq Mia among the seven children of Md. Ahad Mia of Kagalia village of Nasirnagar sub-district of B Baria district. Late Md. Ishaq Mia left behind wife and three daughters, his mother and his wife went to Mursha again and again after hearing the news of his death. The father of the deceased Md. Ahad Mia's son has almost gone mad. He appealed to the Bangladesh High Commissioner of Maldives and all the expatriates including the Maldives civil society to arrange to send the son's dead face to the country as soon as possible.

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