Expatriates want consulate service office permanently in Mantova, Italy, taking care of eight hundred expatriates in 2 days
Minhaj Hossain Special Representative:
The two-day Bangladesh Consulate Milan in Mantova, Italy has been organized under the overall supervision of Al Mina Masjid and the cooperation of Bangladeshi community. The camp was held in Mantova, Italy as part of the continuous activities of the embassy. More than eight hundred expatriates received embassy services from this temporary camp in two days. Wedge Honors Welfare Board Member Services with E-Passport, MRP Passport Renewal, Family Certificate, No Visa from this camp.
Consulate of Milan Consulate Tajul Islam Labor Consulate Sabbir Ahmed with the cooperation of Embassy officials under the overall supervision of Sabbir Ahmed the expatriates thanked the organizers and requested that the embassy service continues in Mantova in future.
Al Mia Masjid Management Committee President Md. Zakir Hossain along with all the Masjid Committee visited the service of Bangladeshi Community's Cooperation Embassy Service at the Embassy Camp under the overall management of the Al Mia Mosque Management Committee along with local administrative officials.
Expatriates accepted the embassy service in two days through the beautiful service of all the Milan Consulate officials. Expatriates praised the embassy for such arrangements on holiday.
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