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Honorable Mention on the 45th Foundation Anniversary of Pirganj Press Club

(Thakurgaon) District Representative:

12 people have been given meritorious honors in Pirganj of Thakurgaon for their special contribution in various fields of society. The award was given on the 45th anniversary of the Pirganj Press Club on Saturday afternoon at the press club hall. President of Pirganj Press Club Joynal Abedin Babul spoke in the chair, former Member of Parliament of Thakurgaon-3 Imdadul Haque, former MP Zahidur Rahman Zahid, Upazila Chairman Alhaj¦ Akhtarul Islam, Upazila Executive Officer Shahriar Nazir, Vice Principal of Pirganj Government College Professor Kamrul Hasana, Municipal Mayor. Birmuktijoddha Ikramul Haque, Officer-in-charge of Pirganj police station Abdul Latif Sheikh, General Secretary of District CPB Adv. Abu Sayem, Upazila Awami League Vice President Golam Rabbani, Upazila Awami League General Secretary Rezwanul Haque Biplab, Upazila BNP General Secretary Ziaul Islam Zia, Upazila Jatiya Party General Secretary Faizul Islam, Zilla Parishad Member Mostafizur Rahman, Municipal Freedom Fighter Commander Nuruzzaman, Ranishankoil Degree College Assistant Professor Ismail Hossain , U'P Chairman Ziaur Rahman, General Secretary of Upazila Sahitya Parishad Masudur Rahman, former Press Club President Mehel Elahi, General Secretary Nasrete Khoda Rana etc. The awardees are late Muha Ikramul Haque, a brave freedom fighter for his special contribution in the liberation war, Kamrul Huda for his contribution to literature and culture, Ismail Hossain for his contribution to education, Pirganjbasi Kalyan Samiti Dhaka for his contribution to social service, Sifat Fahamida Nausin as an indomitable woman, Khaled Mahmud for his contribution to basketball. Akash, Shurabala aka Tepri Mataji for contribution to music, Pirganj Diabetes Hospital for contribution to medical services, Meher Elahi, Kazi Nurul Islam, Abdur Rahman and Fazlul Kabir for contribution to journalism for 40 years.

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