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I would like to finish the unfinished works of the promise if I get another chance: Rajab Ali

own representative >

Among the backward wards in Rajshahi City Corporation, Ward No. 1 was at the top. In the last 5 years, that backward ward has now become a role model. 90 percent developmental works and wards have been able to create a drug-free, active youth society with attractive roads with beautiful street lights on both sides.

Rajab Ali, the candidate of Ward No. 1 Latim symbol, wants to complete the unfinished works promised once he gets a chance. Rajab Ali is serving as the current Councilor and Panel Mayor-2 of Ward No. 1.

He said these things while meeting the journalists after the exchange meeting with the EC on June 7 (Wednesday) afternoon.

Rajab Ali, the popular councilor candidate of the ward, said, "I am contesting for the post of councilor on the symbol of Latim Marka. I am hopeful that the voters of ward 1 will vote for me and win again." Because my ward has seen the highest development in the last five years compared to any previous period. We have been able to make various developments including roads, drains, culverts, schools, colleges, madrasas, mosques, Golzarbagh Lake, Eidgahs, graveyards. I was a councilor for the past five years, I was a panel mayor-2. While proposing about 3000 crore rupees as development allocation, the Honorable Prime Minister passed the proposal considering his beloved younger brother Tulya AHM Khairuzzaman Liton and the backward people of the region. Out of about 2800 crore rupees of Ecnec's development project, we have been able to implement 1300 crore rupees. We have been able to meet 90% of the people's expectations. Among the most beautiful roads in my ward, butterfly road lights and beautiful flower gardens on both sides of the road enthrall our people. Four lane work is in progress from Kashiadanga to Court Dhalur intersection, there are several empty spaces from Kashiadanga to Kathalbaria. ,where other works are going on including children park for children.Many boys and girls play sports in Jahanara Zaman mini stadium built next to Aibadh for future generation to grow up nicely. There is a club called Taran Sangh at a place known as Balurmath in front of Raipara, which I built with my own hands, a good sports environment has been created for the youth there. With the efforts of public leader AHM Khairuzzaman Liton Bhai, a playground is in the process of being acquired in ward no. Bangabandhu Hi-tech Silicon Park, there will be wide employment opportunities created by public leader Liton Bhai's manifesto no. 1 by creating skilled population in IT sector through training

He also said, to protect the youth from destruction in my ward, through imams, muezzins and Muslims of mosques, I have made anti-narcotics committees in neighborhoods, neighborhoods, neighborhoods, neighborhoods, and around 90 percent of drugs have been freed. This is not only my ward, it is a terrible act for the nation and society. If there is a drug addict in a family, it is not only for him, but for his whole family and even for the people around him. I don't want the votes of drug dealers. I don't need their votes. However, the war against drugs will continue inshallah. My election manifesto this time has only one, to complete the unfinished works of my promises.

He said, "I want to tell the conscious citizens of my ward that if AHM Khairuzzaman Liton Bhai, the popular leader of modern Rajshahi, is elected by voting on the boat symbol and also me by voting on the Latim Marka symbol, I will be able to fulfill my promise, insha'Allah."

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