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Bangladesh Awami League foundation anniversary celebrated by cutting cake in Maldives


Md. Al Amin Maldives representative,

Bangladesh Awami League celebrated the 74th founding anniversary of Bangladesh Awami League, the leading organization in the liberation war. On the occasion of the founding anniversary of the organization leading the liberation war, Maldives Awami League organized a discussion meeting and cake-cutting ceremony at a Bengali-owned restaurant in Male Mabia Magoo, the capital of Maldives.

Maldives Awami League Organizing Secretary MKR Kamal Hossain presided over the event, Maldives Awami League General Secretary Md. Dulal Hossain, Chairman VO Construction Pvt Ltd, presided over the event.

Maldives Awami Honorary President Alhaj Dulal Madbar was present as the chief guest, Adviser Hannan Khan Kabir, Senior Vice President Haji Md Sadek, Vice President Md Monir Hossain, Vice President Faizur Rahman, Vice President Md Saiful Islam Yugun were present as special guests. General Secretary Md. Noore Alam Rintu, Director Food and Food Maldives,

In the discussion meeting, the speakers along with the chief guest said in their brief speech that since its establishment on June 23, 1949, Bangladesh Awami League has provided leadership in every movement and struggle for the realization of the rights of Bengalis. The independence of Bangladesh through victory in the war of liberation happened under the leadership of Awami League. Independence of Bangladesh is the greatest achievement of the Bengali nation. Bangladesh Awami League has always stood by the Bengali nation as a partner in fulfilling the dreams of Bengalis. Sheikh Hasina, one of the world's wisest politicians and successful statesmen, the inheritor of such great glory and tradition, has floated the boat upstream after overcoming various adversities.

Maldives Awami League Joint General Secretary Md. Anwar Hossain Bhuiyan, Publicity Secretary Enamul Haque Zakir, Finance Secretary Gazi Zahid, Joint Finance Secretary Delwar Hossain, Liberation Affairs Secretary Md. Rafiqul Islam, Cultural Secretary Jamal Hossain, Md. Billal Khan, AR Mamun, Farooq Ahmed Joy,

Md. Mainul Islam, Md. Parbez, Md. Asik etc.

A large number of leaders and activists of Maldives Awami League and allied organizations, businessmen, politicians, professionals, doctors, and ordinary expatriates were present in the above ceremony. Finally, the ceremony was concluded by thanking everyone who came to the ceremony.

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