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Discussion meeting of Freedom Teachers Parishad in Pirganj

Peerganj (Thakurgaon) Representative:

An introduction and discussion meeting of the newly elected committee of the Freedom Teachers Parishad was held in Peerganj of Thakurgaon. On Saturday afternoon, the upazila freedom teachers council organized this meeting in the pilot high school hall. President of Upazila Awami League and former MP of Thakurgaon-3 Imdadul Haque, Municipal Mayor Bir Muktijoddha Ikramul Haque, General Secretary of Upazila Awami League Rezwanul Haque Biplab, President of District Farmers League Pabarul Islam, President of Thakurgaon Freedom Teachers Parishad addressed the meeting under the chairmanship of ABM Kamal Uddin. Islam, General Secretary Zahidul Islam Swapan, Pirganj Press Club President Joynal Abedin Babul, Upazila Awami League Joint Secretary Iftekharul Islam Dhrab, Upazila Freedom Teachers Parishad General Secretary Enamul Haque, Upazila Muktijoddha Children Command convener Noor Nabi Chanchal and others.

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