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A three-day agricultural fair in Pirganj Inauguration

Limon Sarkar Thakurgaon district representative:

Kandal crop in Pirganj of Thakurgaon

A three-day agricultural fair-2023 has been inaugurated under the development project. Hafiz Uddin Ahmed, Member of Parliament of Thakurgaon-3 Constituency, inaugurated the fair organized by the Upazila Agriculture Extension Department on Monday afternoon. At the end of the rally at Upazila Parishad Chattar, Upazila Executive Officer Shahriar Nazir addressed the discussion meeting, President and former MP of Upazila Awami League Imdadul Haque, Upazila Chairman Akhtarul Islam, Municipal Mayor Bir Muktijoddha Ikramul Haque, Upazila Agriculture Officer Saiful Islam, General Secretary of Upazila Awami League.

Rezwanul Haque Biplab, Acting President of Upazila Jatiya Party Dabirul Islam, President of Pirganj Press Club Zainal Abdin Babul, Former President Meher Elahi, General Secretary Nasret Khoda Rana etc.

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