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A rally of the landless was held in Pirganj

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) District Representative:

A gathering of the landless was held in Pirganj of Thakurgaon regarding land rights and reform of agricultural land. Union Landless Coordination Parishad organized the meeting at Bairchuna Union Parishad chatter on Saturday (March 18) at noon. Union Landless Coordinating Council Chairman Mrinal Roy in collaboration with Community Development Association spoke at the meeting chaired by Peerganj Press Club President Zainal Abedin Babul, UP Member Shahjahan Ali, Development Agency CDA Regional Coordinator Kawsarul Alam, District Landless Coordinating Council Chairman Jalal Uddin, former Meeting head Enamul Haque, upazila landless coordination council meeting head Avinash Chandra Roy, landless leader Ramzan Ali, social worker Makhlesur Rahman, Liton Ahmed etc. More than two hundred landless women and men participated in the rally.

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