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Bhanga Press Club elections are complete

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Election of Bhanga Press Club of Faridpur has been completed.

The election was held in a joyful atmosphere at the temporary office of the recently broken press club.

After the election, the presiding officer and the convener of the committee handed over the responsibility of the broken press club to the winning president.

Abdul Mannan of Dainik Jugantar was elected as president, Saifullah Shamim as general secretary of our time and MM Asaduzzaman Munshi of Daily Khabar Bangladesh as organizing editor. After voting, the presiding officer announced the winners at 4 pm.

Polling continued from 2 pm to 3 pm without interruption. Out of 51 voters, 47 voted. A total of six candidates contested for the post of president, general secretary and organizing secretary.

The election was conducted by Daily Naya Digant Bhanga Upazila representative, convener of Bhanga Press Club. T. M. Farhad Nannu, Banga TV representative joint convener. Shahadat Hossain and member secretary of Bhanga Upazila representative of Global TV. Mamunur Rashid.

The presiding officer, Bhanga Government KM University Professor A. B. M. Mizanur Rahman.

It should be noted that, according to the sources, after many speculations, the election of Banga Press Club was held for the first time. Why in this upazila 1999 AD. Elections were not held because there were more than one organization.

Meanwhile, organizing secretary on behalf of the Central Committee of Bangladesh Bir Muktijoddha Ishan Command congratulated and congratulated the convening committee of Banga Press Club and all the members of the newly elected Press Club for giving a fair and impartial election. Sakhawat Hussain (MSS).

Also, the newly elected committee of Bhanga Press Club has been congratulated and wished by various political figures and the conscious circles of the country and abroad.

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