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Allegations of irregularities in the recruitment committee of Imambari Rajrani Subaghini Girls High School in Nabiganj

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There have been allegations of irregularities in the recruitment committee of Imambari Rajrani Subashini Girls High School, a traditional school in Habiganj's Nabiganj Upazila. In this incident, the 3 parent representatives responsible for the school managing committee filed a written complaint with the Nabiganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer.

It is mentioned in the complaint that the order to appoint a computer lab operator and a security guard in Imam Bari Rajrani Subhasini Girls High School on July 19, 2022 according to the government rules was actually issued by Shah Moshahid Ali, the headmaster of Rajrani Subhasini Girls High School on September 13, 2022 AD. Invited all the members of the managing committee through writing in the notice of the school on the date. 18 September 2022 A.D. for the formation of recruitment committee for the recruitment of one computer lab operator and one security guard. He organized a general emergency meeting on the date. Later, the headmaster of the said school, showing his personal reasons, last September 18, 2022 AD. Canceled the general meeting on the date

Later, no general meeting was organized by the school authorities regarding the formation of the committee, on the other hand, it was alleged that the headmaster of the school secretly formed the recruitment committee and sent it to the Upazila Secondary Education Officer.

Rajrani Subashini Girls' High School Parent Committee Member Farhad Ahmed Md. Abdullah Miah and Badruzzaman Chowdhury (independent) submitted a complaint to the Nabiganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer to cancel the appointment committee and form the appointment committee again.

When the headmaster Shah Moshahid Ali was contacted, he initially said that the decision of the committee was not final, but later refused to speak to the media.

According to sources, there has been a storm of anger and condemnation among the guardians and conscious citizens of the area for a long time in the case of Onion.

Meanwhile, on behalf of the Bangladesh Bir Muktijoddha Issan Command Central Committee, the organizing secretary Hafez Maulana Md. Sakhawat Hussain strongly condemned and protested.

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