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MP and Senate Candidates in Italy's Parliamentary Elections Exchange Views with the Bangladeshi Community in Rome

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

 An exchange meeting was held with expatriate Bangladeshis about the MP and Senate candidates supported by the diaspora-friendly political party Partito di Democratico (PD) in the upcoming Italian parliamentary elections on September 25.

President of Bangladesh Immigrants Association Bimas Dr. Under the supervision and presentation of Muktar Hossain Mark, the MP candidate of the 5th and 6th area of ​​Rome Municipality, Rosella Muroni, Andrea Caso and the Senate candidate Andrea Katarchi were present. They said, our election manifesto has been prepared keeping in mind the opportunity of foreigners. We have worked on foreigners in the past and if we win this election we will work on important issues including citizenship.

The discussion meeting was chaired by Mauro Calliste, president of the Bangladeshi-inhabited area No. 5 municipality, and prominent individuals and media workers of the Italian and Bangladeshi communities were present.

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