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Lunch and discussion held at the invitation of Maldivian expatriate Gazi Zahid

Md. Al Amin Maldives representative

 Today, September 23rd, this lunch and discussion was held at a restaurant in Habar after Friday prayers.

Honorable president of Maldives Awami League, prominent businessman and social worker Alhaj Dulal Madbar was present as the chief guest at the lunch held at the invitation of Maldives Awami League Finance Secretary Md. Gazi Zahid. Special guest was Md. Dulal Hossain, Secretary General Secretary of Maldives Awami League and Chairman of View Construction. Senior Vice President Haji Md. Sadek, Joint General Secretary Noore Alam Rintu, Organizing Secretary Abul kalam azad, coming from Hulemale, Deputy Secretary Mizanur Rahman Anis, International Affairs Secretary Md. Sohag Sardar, Liberation War Affairs Secretary Md. Rafiqul Islam, Science and Technology Affairs Secretary Md. Aliullah, Associate Finance Secretary Md. Delwar Hossain Senior Member Md. Sohel Rana Md. Hossain and many others, finally Gazi Mohammad Zahid announced the end of the program by thanking everyone who came to the event.

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