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Islamic student movement is working with the goal of creating ideal students - Habibur Rahman


Nurul Kabir Arman, special representative

A meeting of representatives of educational institutions was held at Khagrachari on the initiative of Bangladesh District Branch of Islami Chhatra Andolan.

 The meeting was held today (September 23) Friday at 10 am in the IAB Auditorium, Arambagh.

Islami Chhatra Andolan Bangladesh Central Deputy Editor (University Department) Muhammad Habibur Rahman said in the chief guest speech, Islami Chhatra Andolan is not a traditional student organization. Islami Chhatra Andolan is working towards the formation of ideal students in all educational institutions.

 Maulana Muhammad Delwar Hossain, District Islami Andolan President, District Islami Youth Movement Secretary Maulana Bashir Uddin were present as special guests in the representative meeting held under the chairmanship of District Branch President Muhammad Rabiul Miyaji.

Leaders of Islami Chhatra Andolan district and upazila along with representatives of various organizations were present in the meeting.

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