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Speakers at Khatme Nabuwat Conference: ♦Qadianis should be officially declared non-Muslims


Nurul Kabir Arman,Special Representative.

Ulama Mashayekh and representative conference was held to demand the declaration of Qadiani community as non-Muslim by the initiative of Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwat Bangladesh in the International Majlis.

It was held today, August 27, Saturday, in Gulistan Kazi Bashir Auditorium, Dhaka, under the chairmanship of Ameer Khatme Nabuwat and Director General of Hathajari Madrasa, Allama Muhammad Yahya.

 Allama Ataullah Hafezzi, Senior Vice President of Bangladesh Khilafat Movement, Ameer Shariat and Khatme Nabuwat and Hifazat Islam, spoke at the conference.

 Secretary General of Hefazat Islam Allama Sajedur Rahnan, Allama Mohibbul Haque Gachbari

আল্লামা মুফতী জসিমউদদীন দাঃবাঃ, আল্লামা মুফতী মিজানুর রহমান সাঈদ দাঃবাঃ, খতমে নবুওয়তের মহাসচিব আল্লামা মহিউদ্দিন রব্বানী দাঃবাঃ, আল্লামা আব্দুল আউয়াল দাঃবাঃ, মাওলানা মুজিবুর রহমান হামিদী দাঃবাঃ, মাওলানা আবুল কালাম দাঃবাঃ, মাওলানা আহমদ আলী কাসেমী দাঃবাঃ, মাওলানা ইসমাইল নূরপুরি দাঃবাঃ, মুফতী কেফায়াতুল্লাহ আজহারী Maulana Mir Idris, Maulana Khaled Saifullah Ayyuwi, Maulana Rezaul Karim Jalali, Maulana Abdul Qayyum Subhani, Maulana Shamshul Islam Jilani, Maulana Jaber Qasemi, Maulana Mohammad Faisal,

Mufti Shamshul Alam, Mufti Mubarak Sahib

Top Ulama Mashayekh group of the country.

Honorable speakers said, the Qadiani community denied our Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to be the last prophet. They are infidels by consensus of the Ulama, there is no room for doubt. Therefore, they should be immediately declared non-Muslims by the state in order to safeguard the faith of Muslims.

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