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Sending sick expatriates to the country with the help of the embassy

 Md Al Amin Maldivian Representative,,

Today paralyzed patient Mohammad Billal Miah was sent to his family in Bangladesh with the assistance of Bangladesh High Commission on Maldivian Airlines flight Q2502. He was seen off at the airport at 6.30 am on Tuesday, while the Welfare Assistant of the Embassy at Maldives Velena International Airport. Mr. Al Mamun Pathan was present. Mr. Mohammad Billal will land in Bangladesh at 1.40 PM Bangladesh time. His son Mr. Hridoy will receive his father from Bangladesh Airport.

It should be mentioned that Mr. Mohammad Billal Hossain suffered a stroke in an island of Maldives a few days ago and a part of his body became paralyzed. After that he was under treatment at IGM Hospital in Mal. The Honorable High Commissioner wished for the speedy recovery of the ill expatriate Bangladeshi Mr. Billal and handed over the flight ticket for better treatment back to Bangladesh, his country home, Village-Dharanipara Post Elliotganj, Thana

 Muradnagar, District Comilla

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