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Film screening and discussion held on "Mujib Amar Pita" in Maldives.

Md. Al Amin Maldives Representative,

On the occasion of the 47th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Day of Mourning, the Bangladesh High Commission for Bangladeshi Women and Children living in the Maldives organized a film screening and discussion meeting titled "Mujib Amar Pita".

Yesterday, 25th of August, the ceremony was held in the hall room of the embassy, ​​Mrs. Naomi Nahrin, the wife of the Honorable High Commissioner, was present as the chief guest in the ceremony. In his speech, the chief guest paid deep respect to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangamata and other family members who died. He mentioned that the film "Mujib Amar Pita" will play a helpful role in helping children to know the biography of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu and the correct history of Bangladesh. Such films will play a very important role in inspiring the spirit of freedom and progress in future generations.

A significant number of expatriate Bangladeshi women and children living in the capital Male and Hulomale areas participated in the event.

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