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Sonali Bank has signed an agreement with two colleges in Pirganj, Thakurgaon


 Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) Representative 6

Pirganj Mahila Degree in Thakurgaon with Sonali Bank Ltd. for online collection of various charges including student's salary, admission fee, examination fee through online service.

College and DN Degree College have signed two separate agreements.

The agreement was signed at the Women's College and DN College on Monday. On behalf of the bank, Deputy General Manager Hashmat Ali, Principal (Acting) of Women's College Kamal Uddin and Principal of DN College Gopal Chandra Roy signed the agreement.

Bank AGM AKM Matiar Rahman, Branch Manager Anwar Hossain, Pirganj Press Club President Joynal Abedin Babul, General Secretary Nasrat Khoda Rana and other officials of the bank, college teachers and media personnel were present on the occasion.

As a result of this agreement, students of the two educational institutions will be able to pay all their college fees online. The head of the contracting organization expressed hope that this will stop wasting time and harassment of students.

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