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The annual iftar mahfil of Ekta Business Association in Italy is well completed


Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent: 

On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, a prayer and iftar mahfil has been organized by Ekta Business Association, an organization of local businessmen in Rome, the capital of Italy, in honor of the fasting people. Senior co-presidents Sajjad Hossain, co-presidents Nur Islam Matbar, Khorshed Alam, organizing secretary Mia Md. Founder President M Emarat Hossain, Advisor Nurul Absar and senior leaders of various local political, social, regional and business organizations.

The leaders said that Ekta Business Association will continue to work hand in hand with the people for the development of the community.

Before Iftar, a special prayer and munajat is offered for the peace and well-being of all those living in the country and abroad and for the peace of the souls of all the believing Muslims in the hereafter.

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