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Italian citizen of Bangladeshi descent appointed as counselor: Kabir Hossain

Minhaj Hossain from Italy: 

Amedeo Ciaccheri Ciaccheri, President of the 6th Municipal Corporation of Rome City Corporation Elections to be Held by a Large Vote Does. On December 6, President Amedeo Ciaccheri formally administered the certificate and administered the oath of office to Kabir Hossain at the office of the President of the Minneapolis No. 6 in Montaniwala, Rome.

Among the top leaders of the Bengali community were prominent business social and political personalities, President of Bangladesh Sports Association Italy Haji Md. Jasim Uddin, one of the leaders of Barisal Division Association Italy Mujibur Rahman Sikder, President of Kishoreganj District Association Sheikh Ishaq, former Commissioner Nazim Mollah, Dhaka District. Salauddin Ahmed, the president of the association Italy and many others.

The leaders present greeted the newly appointed Councilor Kabir Hossain and hoped that the local expatriate Bangladeshis would benefit through him.

In an interview with reporters, President Amedeo Chr praised Kabir Hossain, an Italian citizen of Bangladeshi descent, saying that he was a man of sincere devotion and responsibility for the expatriates. Hopefully, he will continue to work honestly in the right way with the seriousness of cooperation and advice of any expatriate including Bangladeshis. He wished her every success.

At the end, newly appointed councilor Kabir Hossain wished blessings and cooperation to all and said that he should work honestly and keep the image of Bangladeshis including expatriates bright.

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