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Free medical service camp of Purapara Union Honors Club completed in Faridpur

Md. Sakhawat Hossain

Faridpur District Representative>

Free Medical Service Camp-2021 has been added to the success of "Purapara Union Honors Club" in Faridpur's Nagarkanda Upazila.

Recently, this organization has provided medical services to about one thousand people at a nominal price. As part of the program on Friday (November 5, 2021), members of the Purapara Union Honors Club, with the help of medical technologists, received about 1,000 services from the program, including doctor's prescriptions, diabetes measurements and blood group diagnoses.

Students of schools, colleges and madrasas of the area as well as common people have taken this opportunity. Earlier, the organization provided free medical services to more than a thousand people through medical camps and diagnosed blood groups of more than 250 people. According to sources, the organization has an honors club Blood Bank in the area.

He has already set up another public library at Purapara Bazar called "Purapara Bangabandhu Public Library".

The Purapara Union Honors Club gained immense appreciation and acceptance from the people of the area by distributing relief and protection materials and conducting massive public awareness activities during the Corona period. Following this, the organization undertook a program of planting 10,000 palm trees to protect the environment. In the ensuing period, the organization provides merit scholarships to the local students through merit verification.

Talking to the members of the organization, they said that their activities will continue in building a humane society free from terrorism and drugs. If you want educational institutions in Ash-Pansh, you can diagnose blood group through them. The concerned people think that the activities of this organization will get more momentum with the financial support of the rich people of the area.

It is to be noted that Purapara Union Honors Club is an organization made up of educated youth of Purapara Union. They are conducting their activities with the aim of building a humane society.

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