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Discussion meeting and distribution of Iftar items on the occasion of holy month of Ramadan at Kanchisai Professional Forum.

 Md. Al Amin Special Representative Debidwar Comilla,

Comilla Debidwar organized by Professionals Forum of Traditional Village Kanchisai yesterday 14 March Friday at 2 pm. Distribution of Iftar items and discussion titled Mahe Ramadan was held in the hallroom of Kachisair Model Academy of Comilla Debidwar at 30 hours. Learner Md. Jahangir Almer

Social personality Mr. Md. Ali Azam, chairman of the Forum presided over the program. Distinguished lawyer Dr. was present as the chief guest at the program. A K M Farooq Sarkar.

Mr. Morshedul Kabir Khokan Bhuia, the favorite face of the prominent politician and social worker, the humanitarian and social organization, was present as the special guest, the MD of the Forum, the prominent educator and businessman Mohammad Afroz Sarkar. The guests said in their speech, the teachings of Ramadan teaches us to be sympathetic to each other. Let's invite all villagers professionals and forum members regardless of the team opinion to build a beautiful and compassionate society this month's education. And wish for the well being of the country and the nation inspired by the glory of Ramadan and pray that it brings peace and welfare to everyone's lives. Mr. Manzurul Alam Munshi Khokon, the Vice-Chairman of the Forum was also present among others at this time. Director of Forum Mr. Nazrul Islam Munshi, Md. Alauddin Munshi, Md. Shahjahan. Maulana Md. Sohail Ahmed Bhuiya presented the discussion from the perspective of Quran and Hadith in the topic of the holy month of Ramadan. At this time, he urges everyone present to seek the path of peace and liberation of the hereafter by receiving Taqwa from the holy month of Ramadan. During the last phase of the program, Iftar items were distributed among numerous people of various categories and professions.

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