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Seminar on ensuring expenditure on women development in Pirganj

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) district representative:

Rally and seminar on 3 percent allocation of annual development allocation and confirmation of spending on women development was held in Pirganj of Thakurgaon. This program was held in the Upazila Parishad under the Women's Empowerment for Inclusive Growth (WING) project on Sunday afternoon.

At the end of the rally, upazila vice chairman Bharti Rani Roy presided over the seminar, Thakurgaon deputy director Ram Krishna Barman, municipal mayor Birmuktijoddha Ikramul Haque, upazila engineer Shamim Akhtar, UP chairman Telena Sarkar Himu, UNDP representative Kajal Chatterjee spoke in the seminar held at the upazila auditorium. etc. Pirganj Press Club President Zainal Abedin Babul, UP Chairman Moklesur Rahman, Vivekananda Nimai and other non-governmental organization ESDO officials, women's forum members were present in the seminar.

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