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Happy Inauguration of Dream Café Servizio Orte Scalo with proper immigration and legal assistance to expats in Orte

Minhaj Hossain Special Representative:

Bangladeshi expatriates in Italy are deprived of many government facilities just because of the Italian language. Currently Bangladeshis are getting many kinds of facilities through CAF office along with other language people in different cities under the Italian government. Dream Cafe Servizio Orte Scalo has been inaugurated to provide services to expatriate Bangladeshis in Orte, Italy, the capital of Rome.

Under the direction of founder and CEO Ashiq Majumder, the invited guests of National Kaaf Aktaruzzaman started the journey to the office by cutting the red ribbon and praying.

Agency AIMu Biliari Julia Alexandre, Eye Transfer Sales and Marketing Md. Zakaria, Group Co Sanataria Robot Operator Sheikh Iliachur Rahman, prominent local businessmen Abu Bakkar Siddique, Jasim Uddin along with Italians and expatriate citizens of different countries were present in the event as guests. Leaders of political organizations were also present.

The invited guests were very happy and they said that Ashiq Majumder has already gained reputation in the Bangladeshi community through various services and expressed hope that this will continue in the future. And they congratulated the organization with flowers wishing them success and hoped that this branch of Dream Café Servizio Orte Scalo would be managed with the commitment of providing 100% service to expatriates.

Ashiq Majumdar, the owner of the office, said: Our aim is to ensure the service and welfare of the Bangladeshis living abroad by establishing their legal rights through this office. Our aim is to advise this large number of people on legal matters. He also said that many expatriates do not have any legal idea. In addition, there is a problem with the Italian language. As a result, they suffered various exploitations and deprivations during their exile life. And this service has been arranged to eliminate this problem. And he Dream Cafe Servizio Orte Scalo. On behalf of the branch, he assured the expatriates that they would provide various information and cooperation services regarding any type of law. At the same time, he also said that we have not only cuff service, but also air ticket, money transfer, cargo service, good business of going to Hajj and Umrah at affordable prices, good business of travel with visa to any country in the world, ordering of various goods from Amazon online and mobile servicing. It has a business.

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