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The much talked about movie 'Paran' under the supervision of Manna Sardar won the hearts of the audience in Vicenza, Italy.

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

After Rome, the capital of Italy, this time the popular movie 'Paran' has been screened in Vicenza, the city of love. It has already won the hearts of the diaspora audience. Under the overall management of Manna Sardar, a prominent businessman and community person of Vicenza, and with the joint cooperation of Uppal Singh, Nizr Mirza, Niaz Badsha, Shumel Ahmed, the attendance of the audience at the Vicenza Arzonano Cinema Hall on Saturday, October 29 was remarkable.

Directed by Raihan Rafi, produced by Live Technologies, the film 'Paraan', after its release, was screened in 2 shows in Italy's capital Rome to a full house, attracting a lot of interest from expatriates in various cities.

Amir Hussain Liton, the distributor of the movie in Italy, said that the movie Paraan has stolen the hearts of the audience in Italy. Every day, visitors from different cities are expressing their interest in watching the film. Due to their interest, we are getting encouragement to show Bengali movies in different cities of Italy. This is how Bengali cinema will turn around one day.

Meanwhile, on social media, it has been seen that Italian audiences are taking pictures with the posters of the movie worn by the movie theaters. The audience praised Shariful Raj's performance in the movie. Not only that, the audience also enjoyed the performance of Nasir Uddin Khan as the OC. Apart from this, the performance of Mim and Yash Rohan touched the hearts of the audience. Chalo Nirala song of the movie is now on everyone's lips. He also said, "We are taking Paran to some cities like Vicenza in Italy, where Bengali movies have not been shown before. It is indeed a huge find for Bengali cinema.”

Manna Sardar, a cinema distributor in Vicenza, said that showing any Bengali social movie to the diaspora abroad means that the diaspora will find a little entertainment while working, as well as we can retain our Bengali art and culture in this way.

It is known that this movie will be played in different cities every week with the great interest of the audience in Italy. After Vicenza, the movie is scheduled to be shown in Verna, Ancona, Genoa, La Spezia, Venice, Napoli.

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